Aubrey in the very center of the United States Capitol.
The Washington Monumnet
The Lincoln Memorial
It was so hot and humid, but the kids did a fabulous job walking the entire mall from the Capitol to the Lincoln Memorial with many museums in between.
We took our family to Washington D.C. to be a part of the historic Restoring Honor Rally held on 8/28. This was such an amazing and peaceful event.
The spirit of God was present at this event and it was felt by all in attendance. Tears filled my eyes many times and well as others all around me. I hope that our children will always cherish this time we spent as a family visiting the historic places that played a role in the founding of this great country. I am thankful for the freedoms we are blessed with in this great nation. I want those freedoms protected for my children to enjoy. By restoring honor to our country and those who lead us, we can assure a good life for our children. God is not done yet with us and mans freedom in this nation!
"By restoring honor in our own life we will leave freedom
John reading from the Gettysburg address delivered here by President Lincoln. This was a very sacred spot. The spot where it is believed Lincoln stood to deliver the Gettysburg address.
We had a great time visiting with family and swimming at the Fowler Family Reunion! It wouldn't seem like a Fowler party without the swimming, Thanks to Grandpa for the pool and fun.