Friday, September 11, 2009


The other night as I was getting ready for bed, I thought I smelled something strange. I walked ":smelling" from one end of the house to the other. As I got closer to the back of the house I could smell smoke. I went out onto the back deck and it smelled like someone had lit a campfire really close. I looked all over the yard, but couldn't see anything. As I was heading back inside, I heard a crackling noise near the driveway. It sounded like footsteps on the gravel. I leaned over the edge of the deck railing to see if someone was there. I couldn't see anyone, but just as I turned to go in, a spark caught my eye. My fence was on fire! There must have been sparks smoldering and smoking as the burning smell was so strong, but the fence was just starting to burn.
I ran back through the house and hollered at John that the back fence was on fire, then ran out front to turn on the hose. I ran back to the back yard and grabbed the hose and put out the fire. John called the fire department. By the time they arrived the fire was out, but there were a few hot spots that they continued to soak. There is an empty lot on the other side of our fence and I don't know if someone was smoking back there or what!? Anyway, I felt so blessed for my good sense of smell and for listening to the spirit whispering to me to find out what was burning. It would have only taken minutes for the fire to spread along the fence and further up into the trees and right onto my roof and deck. I feel that the Lord truly blessed our family and kept us safe.

It was also pretty exciting for a few minutes!!


Brooke said...

That is so crazy! I have counted it a blessing to have that same great sense of smell many times around here as well! Glad it all turned out ok ;)

The Fife's said...

oh my goodness, I am glad you smelled it before it got to the house!

The Mapuche's Mom said...

But I thought you WANTED the house to burn down. Kaila and I thought you should have collected the kids and gone out for icecream....he he.

Janan said...

Freaky! We had an old fridge in our basement do the same thing. yikes!

Jules said...

Too close of a call! Glad you were paying attention.